Compiled in discussion by the participants of FINESS-2015, Sopot, Poland, 14-18.9.2015

  • Universality in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics:
    • What are other universal phenomena beyond relaxation times and Kibble-Zurek mechanism defect scaling laws?
    • Are there new non-equilibrium scaling laws?
    • What kind of universality occurs in driven-dissipative systems such as polariton condensates?
  • Kibble-Zurek mechanism:
    • what goes on in detail during the impulse phase?
    • How does nucleation occur?
    • What is t-hat, more precisely?
    • Under what conditions is the expected scaling law masked?
    • Relation between KZM and post-quench dynamics or phase-ordering kinetics.
  • Single shot physics:
    • To what degree do single numerical shots of a c-field realization correspond to single experimental runs?
    • Are there essential limitations on how many sequential shots can be obtained without destroying the system?
    • What are the tradeoffs between observation of single-realization dynamics with several sequential shots and disturbance of the system?
    • Can polariton experiments see single shots of an experiment to the same degree as in ultracold atoms?
  • Quantum quenches:
    • Can one make a sweeping classification of them?
    • Based on what? speed, strength, hold time after quench, critical exponents?
  • Metastable states:
    • Are prethermalized states closely related to non-equilibrium fixed states?
    • Under what conditions do non-equilibrum fixed states form?
    • Is this related to locally regular regions of phase space?
  • Spatial inhomogeneity and disorder:
    • What effect does it have on defect formation?
    • Does it have a qualititative effect on scaling laws?
    • When can it keep a system permanently out of equilibrium?

    Let us see what more (or less?) we will know by FINESS 2017.

    Last update: 2.10.2015

Program Committee

  • Local Organiser and Chair:
    Piotr Deuar (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
  • International chair:
    Andrew Daley (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK)
  • Nick Proukakis (University of Newcastle, UK)
  • Immanuel Bloch (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany)
  • Simon Gardiner (University of Durham, UK)
  • Marzena Szymanska (Universty College London, UK)
  • Thomas Gasenzer (Heidelberg University, Germany)
  • Kazimierz Rzążewski (CFT PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
  • Ashton Bradley (University of Otago, New Zealand)
  • Mariusz Gajda (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
  • Michael Fleischhauer (Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany)
  • Luis Santos (University of Hannover, Germany)


  • Piotr Deuar (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Mariusz Gajda (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Kazimierz Rzążewski (CFT PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Mirosław Brewczyk (University of Białystok)
  • Tomasz Świsłocki (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Krzysztof Pawłowski (CFT PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Maciej Zajączkowski (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Joanna Pietraszewicz (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Nataliya Bobrovska (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Michał Kulczykowski (IF PAN, Polish Academy of Sciences)
